This Game is a few little annoyances away from perfection.

User Rating: 9.5 | Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!! DS
Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story is in essence a mix between Mario and Pokemon. You run, jump, and fall off things like the classic Mushroom Kingdom escapade, until, you touch an enemy. At that point, you duke it up in a highly enjoyable RPG fashion. But of course there's more to it, just like any Mario game. In this case the Italian Bros become the miniature mechanics to...Bowser?

But let's back up. The story this time isn't your typical Mario adventure. It all starts when toads across the land start inflating the spherical forms as a result of the "blorbs." So the mushroom kingdom VIPs gather to come to a solution. This includes the plumbers themselves, a star sprite named Starlow, a number of toads, and of course, Princess Peach. Their meeting is crashed by Bowser, who has eaten a mushroom that causes him to inhale everyone. Long story short, Mario and co. are scattered through Bowser's body and the koopa king finds that his realm has been taken over by a very odd fellow named Fawful.

The story continues, but let's get to game play. The bros are controlled simultaneously, using jumps hammers, and other moves. The control scheme uses the control pad for movement, the A button for Mario's moves, ans B for Luigi's. Bowser's insides feature classic side-scrolling areas and surprisingly colorful enemies. When said enemies get to close for comfort, a turn-based, tag-team, timing-centered frenzy begins, in which the bros jump in and out using jumps, hammers, and item-based special moves incorporating team work, which are fun and challenging to execute.

On the outside, you'll get to control Bowser, which is awesome in both concept and practice. Bowser gets to walk around in three dimensions and use moves like punches, fire breath, and body slams. he can't jump, but he can plow through anything and anyone who gets in his way. On the battle field, Bowser can punch his foes, burn his foes, or call in his minions to rain touch screen special attacks on his foes. If he's felling lazy he can inhale the smaller enemies to be dealt with by Mario and Luigi. Like the bros, he uses timing to gain the edge. From time to time Bowser will grow to gargantuan sizes and take on mobile structures in a fun touch screen brawl.

Occasional, the brothers and Bowser must work together via Bowser's body functions. If Bowser drinks water, the bros can swim to out of reach spots. If Bowser needs to do some heavy lifting, The brothers can give his muscles a boost.

There are, however, a few little blips threaten your fun. Sometimes weaker foes get annoying. Sometimes the mini games get annoying. But though they amount to some irritation, they're not at all going to ruin your fun.

All and all, Bowser's Inside Story is a very enjoyable adventure whether you're controlling the plumbers or Bowser, And a few annoyances don't make it any less a DS standout.