simple 20$ game for Mac's. If your a mac user and you dont have this game, I frown on you.

User Rating: 9.1 | Marble Blast Gold PC
I played it at a freinds house, and i could not stop. You roll around a marble and collect jewels. Sounds boring? It should. But when you play it, you think, " Seems fun? it should.

Gameplay- Your a colorful marble that has to roll around and collect gems or reach a goal in a matter of time. Try not to fall off the level, cus it's floating over the world. As you collect gems or reach an erea, you will need to whatch out for tornadoes, edges of platforms, fans, and mines ( you dont need to, and their fun to explode.) You will also collect power ups for the marble, like super bounce, super jump, super speed, etc. It will certainly be worthwhile.

Graphics- The levels are colorful, imaginitive, zany, and fun. Of course, You might think of Crayola the second you start a level. Plus, their is no blood, spray paint, or any thing else violant.

Sound- an announcer guy, the sound of a rolling marble, bouncing sounds, and upgrade sounds. Not too much, or too little.

Value- 100 levels, super powers, fying platforms, plenty to fill your free time. You will find it more fun than MOTHERLOAD! (a.k.a, the greatest online game ever, go to, and do search for 'Motherload'.)

Tilt- no plot to it, just roll, bounce, and spin. All you could ever need in a game.

Overall, it's worthwhile for those who have Apple computers or notebooks. I'd have it on my PC, if it wasn't a Dell >_