A step down from 2k7

User Rating: 7 | Major League Baseball 2K8 X360
I played the hell out of 2k7 and after 30 min. of 2k8 I can already tell u my biggest gripes. The baserunning lacks any ability to run faster! That totally takes me out of the game cuz I like to feel like I'm hustlin for the base. Instead theres a more specific button layout for which base u wanna go to. This is a great improvement over the ol forward-backward setup, but I'm so used to pressin A to run!! You can't even run when you field.

Another issue is a glitch where a shade of white flickers over the field in front of the batter when you're up to bat. Also, all the print is super TINYYY.. I guess cuz it was optimized for bigger screens (I use a 42 inch SD) but still ridiculously small.

The new pitching mechanism is pretty frustrating at first so I switched back to 2k7 pitching controls. I know it would prolly play better with more practice but I have no patience for that. I play to have fun, and I love the old control scheme for pitching. The new fielding controls are bad too; so not comfortable using the right stick to throw to a base, so I stick to the old controls.

The animation doesnt seem as fluid as in 2k7.. a lot of times the players skip movements and it looks pretty rushed. I think all the time taken for the new controls took away from time spent on the fundamentals. The graphics still look nice, but not phenomenally better than last yr's. I just hope they come out with a patch that brings back the running button and fixes these glitches and cosmetic eff-ups. If you have 2k7, you're better off waitin till next year to upgrade or else ull be wishin u saved the money for army of two. peace.
