A must have for any MTG fan, but a word of caution to die hard MTG players

User Rating: 4.5 | Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 - Expansion PC
If you love Magic the Gathering then you wont have any problems loving this game. The graphics of the cards is spot on. The added animations of which card can be played at what time (instant or sorcery) is quite useful as well as which creatures can attack which ones have summoning sickness etc. Coming from playing the card game myself, to the computer version clarified a few rules for me as well as notified me when I could or couldnt perform an action. The arrows pointing to and from a card that is interacting with another card was also extremely useful especially if multiple things are going on. If you havent played MTG before the tutorial isnt quite up to par and will leave you scratching your head wondering why something did or didnt work, but on the other hand it still makes a great introduction to the game itself. The only downside to the game that I have so far is the difficulty I've had in creating my own deck through the deck builder. I wish I could just see all the forest or swamp etc cards and then pick and choose which ones I want in my deck and how many of each. As it is you have a deck to use and unlock different ones by defeating your opponents to which you can modify your deck, but it just doesnt feel as complete as it should be or as easy. [edit: I have since confirmed that you can not build your own deck from scratch or edit the deck much at all...you win a game with the deck which unlocks a card that you are able to use in the deck from that point on, there are about 17 cards you can unlock for each deck and you cant switch cards between decks even if they are the same color. Upon discovering this, my rating droped 3 points. A major point to MTG is deck building and the diversity of it, therefore this game should have a warning in the title like saying MTG lite]. All in all, it's a great card game and well done to put it on the PC.