Possessing a majority of recycled content and unimproved game mechanics, MTG '12 is not worth upgrading to.

User Rating: 7 | Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 PS3
I'll admit I was a big fan of Magic: The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers that came out last year on the PSN. Other than a couple of minor complaints, it was an all around great MTG simulator. With this game now looking as though it will have annual releases, I was at first pretty excited about the idea of them improving on such a promising release. However, once I started to play MTG '12, I realized that there was a lot of familiar content. Almost too much familiar content. Even though there are a few new decks, creatures, and game modes to be found here, this game just doesn't have enough new content to warrant purchasing if you have last year's game.

GAMEPLAY - Not much about the gameplay has changed since last year. There are some new cards, new card abilities, and a new game mode of playing 3 on 1 against an archenemy with double the life of you and your teammates. A lot of characters and decks make their return here. Some characters' decks have made some pretty drastic changes also, and not for the better. For example, Jace's deck has become much more about casting illusion creatures rather than countering spells, and Sarkhan's deck has become less about big monsters and more about strength in numbers. While the others remain pretty much the same, we see decks like the two mentioned along with Sorin's take a nosedive in quality (that's right, no more awesome vampire deck :( ) There isn't much in the way of new decks, however. We get one new one that is sort of like the first fire deck you have access to in the previous MTG game, and there is another that uses green and blue magic, which I've actually really enjoyed using since it has very powerful creatures with a focus on getting mana on the field very quickly. Otherwise though, there isn't much new here at all. There are a few new characters, but most of the mainstays from the last game return here without much difference. Or if there are differences, they are usually for the worst. Most of the decks in this game don't seem to have a personality like they did in the last game. They're all about getting the toughest creatures on the field without any strategy. As such, this game is definitely nowhere near as great in the gameplay aspect as last year's game. - 6.5/10

STORY - This game tries to have a story behind it, but let's face it...you aren't playing this for the story. - N/A

GRAPHICS - The graphics have improved a bit since last year's game. Characters are more detailed, but returning cards look the same as they did last year. The background for where you play duels also looks more pristine, but for the most part this didn't really affect me that much. - 7.5/10

SOUND - Although the sound effects and music of last year's game were on the derivative side, this game's sound just isn't that memorable at all. Sound effects are more unique, which is a plus, but otherwise there isn't anything outstanding here. - 6/10

LENGTH/REPLAY VALUE - This game has 3 campaigns built in; one introductory campaign, a campaign based around the new archenemy mode, and an advanced campaign that has advanced versions of the opponents you face in the regular campaign. Overall it's a pretty decent game in length. Plus you're going to want to play online, obviously. This just really depends on the person. As far as I'm concerned, one of the things that made last year's game so great was the DLC. Depending on whether or not we get there here will affect this aspect quite a bit. As it is now, you only have 10 decks to choose from, and they each only have 15 cards or so to unlock each. In my opinion, the first game is easily the better value as of the writing of this review. - 7.5/10

BOTTOM LINE - MTG '12 is a bit of a disappointment. It seems like they only made this to cash in on the success of last year's game, as there is barely any new content. One thing that made the first Duels of the Planeswalkers game great, however, was the DLC. If we can get more of that with this game, I think it may outshine its predecessor. As it stands though, you're much better off buying the original Duels of the Planeswalkers. Not only is it cheaper right now, but the decks feel more unique from each other. Plus the trophies in this game are all bronze, making it a waste of time for trophy hunters. I would recommend this game if you're a big MTG fan, but for those who are content with last year's game, don't spend the money on this. - 7/10