Although there a numerous frusterations and small flaws, its intense and diverse gameplay makes this a stellar game.

User Rating: 9.5 | MAG PS3
If you buy MAG, you probably buyed it because you thought you could see 256 player battling it out in a huge mosh pit of bullets and explosions. MAG does not deliver this, although it does deliver a different, more satasfying type of gameplay. Even on the 256 player mode, the action is divided up very well between four different platoons on each side. There still is a feel of being part of a massive army of soldiers working together to complete a task, but the action is broken up very well in a huge map. The best part of this game is that for every there are countless ways to play it. Maybe you want to sit back and snipe the enemies from afar. You could want to charge the enemy head on and try to push them back toward the center of their base, or maybe sneak around the main force and destroy their anti-air battary and their other improtant resources such as motar battaries, roadblocks, gates, bunkers, motorpoools, or radar dishes. You can customize your character down to the type of armor, which allows for many different styles of gameplay. This game has a sharpe learning curve, so don't be discouraged by being destroyed the first dozen games you play. The huge maps and intense battles are unique to mag and will make other shooters look small and less intense in comparison.