Massive Action Game.... what a way to promote the title....

User Rating: 7 | MAG PS3
MAG (or Massive, Action, Game) is a ps3 exclusive that came out not long ago. I don't own a PS3 and this review is one I thought of as I played this game at my mate's house.
MAG was kinda a difficult game to review in my opinion. I don't own any Cod games and barely play any modern warfare first person shooter games. So when my friend told me to give my opinion of this game, I wrote down this……

• Maps are large and give players plenty of land to run around and camp.
• Having 256 players in one match is quite an achievement.
• Controls are simple.

• Knifing isn't as fun.
• Like Cod, the environment isn't destructible.
• It feels like I'm playing the same three maps over and over again. (new maps can be downloaded)
• Finding matches takes forever sometime and often connection becomes an issue.
• No Campaign.
• For a game titled 'Massive Action Game' it doesn't really feel like it.

Believe it or not, the game has got a plot to it. Three private military companies (Valor, Sver and Raven) are battling each other over military contracts in a so-called shadow war. You are given the option to side with one of the three armies and to engage in the 256 multiplayer action. Each army has got something unique about them. Raven is more like your special high tech guys with the good armor and weapons. Sver is more about fighting and Guerilla warfare and Valor is a bit of both Raven and Sver.

There are 4 matches in MAG with two being available early in the game. With the two matches, they start off with say 64 people. After leveling up a fair bit, you are granted access to play along with more people and more match types. Suppression is your typical team death-match within your own faction. Sabotage introduces you as attackers trying to capture and unlock locations in order for you to destroy. These two are your first 64 player matches that you get to play at the start. It's not long till you get to unlock Acquisition (128 players) and Domination (256 players) as your final two matches. In Acquisition you take part in a faction that tries to infiltrate enemy territory, steal a vehicle, and return it to their insertion point. Domination you take part in a set of objectives to over take the control of central access points.

Combat is too special. All weapons sound what they should sound like in a typical FPS and all seem to play out well. Rocket launcher's on the other hand, is a whole different story..... When this game first came out, all rockets applied to the simple rule 'Boom, your dead'. But with the recent patch that's been downloaded, rockets haven't being playing out well. This so called, 'rocket glitch' has screwed up the rockets in the game and basically sums out that you have a better chance killing somebody with a damn pistol then a MAG rocket. This problem may be fixed with a new patch and people reading this review may not experience this bug.

Gameplay shows similarities to CoD, but is something original in its own rights. Instead of killing everyone in the whole map and seeing who the best in the game is; MAG relies on teamwork to complete its objectives.

I played this game recently and as I was playing, I came across (Dun Dun Duuunnn) lag and bugs. This wasn't in all matches but I noticed in two that as I killed a guy, his death was delayed for like 3 seconds. There were several occasions were I got stuck inside the walls of the environment and other occasions were my guy was somehow denied access from proceeding by a weird teleportation bug that stopped me from moving at all. This game has been out for a fair bit and is always having small patches being sent out to fix small problems like this. I can understand and forgive these bugs; I mean after all, 256 players is a challenge.

Overall MAG is an okay game. The limited match types, stiff animations and bugs make this a downer for me but overall, this game deserves the respect of being the first to have a crap load of players in one server.