Blah?Just a short review.

User Rating: 7 | MAG PS3

• Grenades & RPG'S equals a cheap death people just blind throw them this would account pretty much for about 60% of your death count especially on Suppression (Team Death Match)

• Suicide-Happens some of the time for example I would fire an RPG and watch it explode in the distance but then I would die with it saying I shot myself

• During training I was fixing up a car with a repair tool and once when the vehicle health bar filled up I dropped dead with the screen saying I killed myself (with the repair tool)

• Starting out you are under powered and the higher classes will pretty much steam roller over you. Even if you start shooting them first

• Hardly anyone communicates with their team mates in about 50 games I've had about 2-3 people even talk.

•When playing suppression the team that defends will win 90% of the time it is simply that easy only an attacking team who communicates will succeed.

• All 3 teams are pretty much equal the difference between winning & losing is communication and you can always tell when somebody is communicating because you will get slaughtered

• Some maps are favoured to the enemy but that probably works both ways

•It takes a long time to level up useless you are a leader.

• The Menus are bland

• Also if you change teams you lose all your stats & levels

Overall I have to admit that I am not a big online fan but found this game quite easy to learn and I do prefer this to other online games like BC2 but if you do play this game I would suggest sticking with one team for a long time and just hope you get some good team members. Also the game is probably not worth being purchased as a full priced game for their is simply no single player mode but if your into online gaming you will get m ore out of this game.