This is the game that started it all - the first madden game I ever played - while underwhelming in spots - still solid.

User Rating: 6.5 | Madden NFL 95 GG
This is the game that started it all - the first madden game I ever played - while underwhelming in spots - still solid.

The passing interface was particularly bad - in which it just gave you tiny windows of small pixilated dudes and you couldnt tell what route they were running or if they were open so you just hoped and hit a button...not great.

However, the game's presentation was awesome - featuring a in depth anaysis from Madden and what not.

The running game and defense played pretty well except for the fact that again the passing was just done poorly.

All in all this was the game that got the series started for me - whether that is good or not im not sure) but I've spent a lot time with these games so this has some nostalgia for me despite being faily flawed.

Overall - its an OK football game with a great presentation despite some clunky gameplay.