I bought it for $15.00 and at this price I would say buy it, its fun.

User Rating: 8 | Madden NFL 07 X360
Plain fun, at first I didn't succeed than after many errors and hard hits against I started to make first downs slowly but sheerly, the running game, punts and field goals where my biggest weakness's, not any longer though my running game can use a little improvement good for short yardage (on average). I must say many reviews for this game makes it seem terrible and I feal slightly bad for though's who paid full price when it first game out... unless you enjoyed it, isn't that what gaming is all about. If you can buy this game for cheep go for it its fun I dislike the movements in between plays where it seems the game is going to freeze the rain was coming down in Pittsburgh and I thought my game broke for a second if you are like me and not to keen on the defensive plays ask Madden he helps (I suppose). I plan on playing this game for many more hours threw out the week late at night before bed. There is a lot of work to be done and I hope this franchise sticks around ... lol I have to type 800 characters in order to submit this little review/opinion of mine. - x Markin