A new twist on Madden that will make or break your experience, but ultimately is an outstanding game.

User Rating: 8.6 | Madden NFL 06 XBOX
Before I get started, I think it should be noted that I did not own Madden 05. I have owned every game up until 2004, took a break on 05 with ESPN 2K5 and now own 06. (so you can't call me a madden fanboy either) I've watched the Madden series grow over the years and before you continue I wanted to know my perspective going in. I've been reading the reviews and watching some real undeserved hatred that is coming out of people about this game. One theory why is the anger that people have about EA buying the exclusive rights to the NFL. The other reason could be because the growth isn't as big as it was between 04-05. I think it is largely because the game is forcing people to be more honest with their passing. I actually enjoy the cone even though it's more difficult to master. I've played against several people who misused Michael Vick and watched him do some near impossible things. The passing cone levels the playing field against ridiculous plays and forces the player to enhance their skills even more. I'm not going to lie, it will be an adjustment but with some practice you will eventually be able to master it. Along with the vision cone is precision passing, a feature that allows you to direct where you want the pass to hit the player. This adds another layer of complexity to the game and makes you feel more in control of how your play will end up. Another new feature that isn't discussed is the newly created truck-stick. Much like the defense hit stick created last year, the truck stick gives you the opportunity to lower your shoulder and boulder over defensive players. The key lies with timing. Do it too soon and you may end up flat on your face. Do it too late and...well...you're the main ingredient of a linebacker sandwich. I could go on and on, but to be honest, Madden 06 is a fantastic game that can be picked up by beginners or pros alike and have a blast with it. If you're a rookie, you will enjoy the ability to jump into the game without feeling overwhelmed (I would recommend turning off the vision cone first so you can grow accustomed to the controls). Veterans should appreciate the level of complexity and how much control they can have in the game. A perfect example of this is the Superstar mode that allows you to create from conception the ultimate athlete and help him prosper throughout his career. It's not an 'oustanding' aspect of the game, but if you love being in control you will appreciate this feature. To be blunt, Madden 06 is outstanding and is an excellent game especially if you didn't own 05. There are two main downsides to the game: smaller gap of growth between 05-06 and the control scheme. Dealing with the first, I can understand some of the frustration over the fact that 06 is not as big of a jump as people would have liked. Many have said it is Madden 2005 ver. 1.5. To an extent I can agree with that argument. I think one thing people have to realize is that you can only go so far with a game before it becomes too complex or enjoyable to play. If you compare the SNES to PS1 for example you will see there was a huge jump in technology, but today the jump between this console generation and the PS3/XBOX 360 won't be as big and will leave a few people wishing for more. It's the nature of the beast and I think EA did what it could. This leads me to my 2nd complaint...controls. Sometimes the control scheme can get overly complex and require you to do too much in too little time. As a result, the average use can grow frustrated and overwhelmed with the amount of options available to them. The reviewers are right when they say Madden 2006 is not that different from 05, but I think what people are scoring is the hype vs. the game itself and forgetting that 06 is coming at a time where the potential of this console generation has been realized. The reality is that 06 is a fantastic game but isn't as big of a change from 05. So if you owned 05, I would encourage you renting it first. If you didn't, I think now is the time to pick yourself up a copy of Madden 06 and see some of the amazing changes the franchise has made over the past couple of years.