Looks simple at first sight but worth getting in to. An interesting and unusual puzzle.

User Rating: 8 | Katachi no Game: Marubou Shikaku WII

It has to be said first off that this will not appeal to everyone, first impressions are that it is quite an odd game and looks very simplistic when you begin playing. It falls into the category of one of those puzzle games that have a simple concept but can keep you busy for some time. The rules are easy to grasp, but not so easy to actually beat the game.

The game is set up with three play areas, allowing up to three separate players to play alongside each other. The three areas are not completely independent however, and this is part of what makes this game a bit different. There are three game types you can play, and you may choose any of the game types in any play area, and with multiple players each can choose their own game type.

The controls are very simple - two of the games just require pressing the A button, the third uses the directional arrows only. The first game type is Circle. This involves a spinning ball moving around inside a circular area, where the aim is to hit the 'enemies' which appear. You keep playing until one enemy escapes the circle. The second game uses a rotating bar to hit enemies and you move the position of the bar by pressing the button. The third game is a little like the classic Snake game - you move around leaving a trail but the trail is of fire and the aim is to destroy boxes by setting fire to them. I know this doesn't sound particularly interesting or exciting, but there's more to it than you might imagine.

Each of these game types starts off quite easy and becomes more challenging, but the twist is that the play areas can interact with one another. The interactions allow each play area to help or hinder its neighbours, and add to the complexity of the puzzles. This can make multi player games a bit more of a competition. Also, every now and again a figure may appear in one play area and ask that you score a million points!

Oh, there's also a download version for the DS which is unlocked once you have played for a little while. I haven't tried this yet so can't say any more about it.

My favourites are currently the circle and bar games, probably just because I've played these the most and seem to be able to get more consistent scores on them. After a while you do get the hang of controlling the spinning ball or bar and can judge when to switch direction or move. I find the square game not quite as interesting but come back to that sometimes for a change. I have also found that when you first load up and play alone it is a little more tricky as the automatic games which start in the unoccupied play areas don't start up immediately, and I've found that these do help more often than not.

My one gripe at the moment is that you have to start from scratch each time, there's no way to save and continue, but then it isn't that hard to move along once you get to grips with it.