A very underrated game (my first review)

User Rating: 7.5 | Lux-Pain DS
I've first seen this game and I thought ''It's going to awsome, a Time Hollow and Phoenix Wright stile'' but some tecnical flaws can ruin some parts of the experience.

Grafics: 9
Great characters animations, subberb ambient design, but the town map isn't beautifull as the ambient design, and the enemys you need to silent aren't good as needed to be.

A great voice acting ruined by a 5/10 translation, and the voice sound isn't loud as needed to be

Just like Phoenix Wright and Time Hollow as I've said before, but the inovation is that you use Sigma (some tipe of Magatama from PW) to uncover the shinen to find the secrets from the people

It woldn't be good if didn't had a good story, I don't want to spoiler things up

The result:7.5/10
Good but the tecnical flaws ruins some parts of the game, play it if want some Phoenix Wright Gameplay