Great awsome fun

User Rating: 8.8 | Lunar Knights DS
The first thing that jumps at at you are the graphics, which in Lunar Knights, are great. They don`t have the same in your face over the top (if not cutsy) overly but in a good way colorful and vibrant quality as the mana village in Children of Mana, but the colors are sharp and clean and appropriate, the animations are nicely rendered, and the art direction is interesting, aka the character and monster models look awsome. Through it all also shines the anime cutscenes that pop up to push the story forward and serve to inject a rather old and rusted theme with a fresh and new pop vigour.

When i first heard what this game was going to be about, fighting vampires to free a vampire-ruled appocalyptic earth from vampire tyranny, frankly, i was sourly disappointed and prepared for the worst, thinking the story would boil down to something corny. Turns out i sourly underestimated Kojima Productions because the story and general atmosphere rock. The vampires in the game (and the story around them) don`t give off a kiddish, or cliched, or flat out stupid vibe but are instead rendered through the kickass hardcore over the top and stylish lens of popculture anime and lend the game a stylish quality and are generally fun to whoop.

The gameplay is both simple and complex enough to make this little hand held action rpg more than just a little brainless handheld game. at the core there`s a simple and solid battle system involving a hack n slash button that can combo up to 3 hits and a simple block button. On top of that however you can also power up your hits with elemental damage depending on what pets you have unlocked and overdrive yourself into a super-powered trance mode at which point you can really unleash a big can of melee whoopass. Also you can upgrade your weapons using spare parts you come accross in the game world. In all, the game offers a few different play styles depending on your preferences right from the start. You can take your time with hit block hit set ups using the block button, bust out visceral combo after combo in a care-free hyper active button mashing manner, or use the double tap dash function to parry and dodge and swoop in for quick strikes or simply mix n match them all together. Additionally the game offers a slightly different experience depending on which character you`re playing, either the up close and personal sword weilding melee vampire hunter or solar gun sharp shooting ranger like ranged fighter.

Altogether, if you like action adventure rpgs this is a game you should get.