Although definately not a perfect action/platformer, Lunar Knights brings enough to the table to fill you up.

User Rating: 7 | Lunar Knights DS
Lunar Knights seemed like an super cool game when I first saw it. But soon after playing through the first couple hours, I became upset at the punishing combat system and the screwed-up control schemes- like the spaceship battles which are worthless and broken. On top of the gameplay difficulties that arise because of these problems, the story reflects the same old "bad dude and good dude team up, all the while bad dude has bad attitude and hates the good dude who is trying to help others" genre of gameplay. *yawn* But, surprisingly, I started to love this game because of the good stuff it brings to the table. The graphics are AMAZING and super colorful (not the tacky colorful either; its a good blend of hues and light colors etc...). While I sat in awe of the DS's graphical punch, the wonderfully composed music drove me into keep playing the game to hear more and more. Soon I was beginning to actually LIKE this game. And the occasional anime sequences that are very delightful and marvelously designed help releave some of the tension that spoiled health items can give a man! Overall, this game seemed much bigger than it was, but I will say it is one of the best platformers/action games for the DS.