Medicore gameplay overwhelms an interesting story. Only Lost fans should check this out.

User Rating: 6 | Lost: Via Domus X360
What really got me about the game was the presentation. It's actually done pretty well. They modeled the story in the same way like the regular TV show where you have the "Previously on Lost" intros and the Lost title sequence. Pretty cool. I also enjoyed the semi-cliffhangers. They even made the subtitles for the game look like the close-captioning on the TV show which was a nice touch. Overall, I liked the way they presented the game. Alone in the Dark ain't the first game to take advantage of this TV show motif in a game.

The graphics are quite lush and look pretty good. Some of the characters from the TV show look a bit janky but the main character that you play is highly detailed. The Island itself is well modeled as well. The beach has some beautiful graphics while the grass and trees are also quite pretty as they sway and move. I was also quite surprised with the amount of detail for all the various hatches and other locations from the TV show that were put into the game. I thought it was very cool for the devs to allow us to travel and look around the same locations that we remember from the first two seasons of Lost. But the graphics aren't perfect. There is some minor slowdown in spots and I found plenty of screen-tearing in plenty of outdoor areas. Oh well.

The best part of the game is the music. They used all the music from the TV show in the game so it actually felt like the show. The voice actors are good but I felt some of the posers for the TV characters were bad and didn't sound like the real actors at all. The worst one was the actress for Juliet. She sounds NOTHING like the real thing. The most convincing was the actor who played Ben. The rest were meh with some blahs.

The story is actually quite compelling even though it doesn't really add anything to the TV show. I liked the main character that you play and I also liked his flashbacks which were done really well. It's not bad and I'm sure the writers from the show had a hand in creating the scenarios. I wish they added something to the main canon though. I feel it's a missed opportunity by the writers to inject some important info to connect the game to the TV show. There was one moment where I thought they were gonna do that but it didn't happen. Oh well. The ending was quite weird and ended on a rather vague note. I'm not sure how I feel about it.

The gameplay is fairly boring and not that interesting. The best part were the flashbacks. They were REALLY well done and I liked the way they presented it. The rest is your usual boring third person action game. The puzzles are lame and not fun and there were some sections where traveling from point A to point B were annoying as well. It's not a fun game to play. If it weren't for the compelling story, I would've bailed out.

Overall, the game is medicore but the story is great and well told. If you're a fan of Lost, it's worth playing just for the story alone. Everyone else can probably skip it.