Incredibly well orchestrated idea, yet horrifically executed.

User Rating: 6.8 | Lost Kingdoms GC
The first thing I thought when I turned on my GameCube to play Lost Kingdoms was exactly, "What in the world is with the sound?" I did an hour diagnostic on my TV and console before I figured out the game just had crappy music. Now, being a Final Fantasy 10 fan, music is a big thing I look for in games, especially in RPGs.
Apart from the sound... I loved the combat system, especially when I started playing the first time... It gives some great thrills and a decent action feeling, without abandoning the oh-so necessary tactics of the RPGs we know and love.
Also something I picked up from FFX was a love for a decent story in the games I play... Lost Kingdoms had a story, sure, but a bad plot, and badly described. The whole plot-progression seemed very amateur, cliche', and predictable.
The graphics weren't too bad... It's 2006 that I'm finally writing this review, and a mid-2002 game seems ancient by now. Still, I didn't think it looked too bad. The guardians of the cards, the 'monsters' were done incredibly well.
I've got a lot of negative comments to make about the game, yet I still think it's pretty good. The combat system especially is great. If one can get over certain annoying complications with certain difficulties in the game, the action almost makes up for the rest of the game. Almost.