Worst out of a myriad of poorly made space strategy games.

User Rating: 2 | Lost Empire: Immortals PC
Long ago, in a galaxy right next door, there existed developers that could make a space strategy game that was enjoyable. Alas, that time appears to have passed. I loved games such as Master of Orion, and always look forward to trying out new attempts at similar games. This game is just another total failure, at a time when multiple poorly made space strategy games have been released.

To start with, the tutorial is useless. It gives you some minor pointers then basically says "figure it out for yourself". After about an hour of trudging through on my own to try to determine what the heck is going on and having to reset multiple times, I finally get a decent game going... and going.... and going. Even on the smallest map size the length of the game is insane. It takes a TON of turns to get your empire even up and running, then there's the research. You have 1000s of research options, but 90% of them make almost no difference and if they do, you can't tell because the tool tips don't really help.

Furthermore, the enemy AI is about as pleasant as Dick Cheney with a hunting rifle. You meet someone, 99% of the time with 1 interaction they are going to declare war on you and ally with each other (even on easiest difficulty), at which point they tend to blockade all your production planets which keep you from ever mounting any sort of ship force. Not that having a ship force is any fun. All the battles are played for you instead of you having control over them, and you just get a summary the next turn saying who won.

The graphics are fairly blah, but that is not a big deal in this type of game. The only positive side I saw in the game was the music which was pretty good.

In summary, the game is overwhelmingly complex, but at the same time does not really give you control over much. Most of the complexity has to do with hidden options or just massive amounts of technology upgrades. It VERY quickly gets monotonous and boring, especially with the lack of combat control. I strongly advise against buying this game.