This game is being patched - some bugs remain with the weak AI and other additional aspects need tweaking

User Rating: 7 | Lost Empire: Immortals PC
This game started out very buggy and poor AI upon realise, the developers are listening to player feedback and ongoing patches and expansion to the underlying tech tree, fleet and ground combat as well as other new colony types may be planned.

As the game stands there is a patch in beta form out at the moment with 1.0.3 planned next week - will add playability and balances.

Some aspects that fans would like to see improved are ground combat, new weapons, new events ( ie natural wormholes , planet stat altering events, random special techs) expanded use of starbases. More variance in ship sizes.

Also needed are slight changes to minor races, AI needs improvement for single player in terms of combat and how it goes about it, plus ground invasions and improving its economic tech to make it compeittive.

New techs are almost needed - missile range, corruption fighting prison planets. Perhaps boundry aspects

Pollux games is listening at the moment and if they implement long term all of the great ideas on the forums tey will have a sleeper hit on their hands if not the game will be medicore at best