Can be frustrating at times, but overall, a fulfilling experience.

User Rating: 8.2 | Lords of the Realm III PC
The battle mode is great in this game, it's so much fun to lay seige to a castle. The notion of ladders seems to be a novel idea as well, seeing as how it's the first time I've seen it in a game. You don't have to just wait for your soldiers to magically break down a wall with their swords anymore. Seige weapons are an absolute must.

As far as the strategic map, it can be somewhat frustrating. Enemy armies can seeminly multiply like rabbits, swarming all over your territories unchallenged, raping your land, reducing your productivity until you can finally hire enough mercenaries to send out onto the field of battle. It's very difficult to raise an army of your own, therefore, mercenaries are essential to your success.

In my opinion, Medieval: Total War is a superior game, but I had beaten that game several times before I bought Lords 3, and seeing as how I don't have a powerful computer, Lords 3 was essentially the next logical buy.