Limbo is a precious gem. And as the majority of precious gems, tiny.

User Rating: 9 | LIMBO PC
Limbo is a brilliant light in the sky. Represents the power of criativity against mediocrity. In an era where big game companies spend fortunes to release unfinished, unpatched, no variety titles, Limbo is a powerful smack in the face of said companies.

Released by an indie develpment team, with little resourses at hand, they were able to produce a game that shaked the gaming world. I, for example, never had played an indie game before. Just did because i have steam and the price was low, so if it was a deception i wont complain much. And because Gamespot reviewed him so well. It trigerred me with curiosity.

I though, how a game so short, black and white coloured can get so much fuss about it ? Well, let me tell you, it makes all the difference. It truly creates a dark and misterious world with an amazing atmosphere. The only thing you will hear is the boy footsteps in a world full of danger. Not beauty, just danger.

Believe me, if you are not cautions you will die a horrible death. And this is not a landscape that give you another chance. Do the slight mistake and you are finished.

You start the game without an explanation, cutscene, name of the protagonist. Just nothing. And you will end the game in the same fashion. This brings so many questions. It does not have a tutorial. You will have to guess what freaking happened at the end. And i think this is good, because you start THINKING about the possibilities of that end. The most terryfing theory i read while searching for help at the net (because yes, you will need help. The puzzles are not easy at last stages) is that the boy did not ever concludes his mission. He just awakens again to start all over. Brrrr.

Limbo is a big creativity game, with clever puzzles, dark envirnments, powerfull and merciless enemies and with an endind left open. The only negative thing about this game is that he ends to fast. But this is only because its so damn good that you would like to keep plyaing and playing.

A must play to enyone that considers himself of herself a serious gamer. A divisor of waters in an incipient new gaming age.