A great platformer with some really interesting puzzles, LIMBO is a creative game keeps your attention on the screen.

User Rating: 9 | LIMBO PC
LIMBO is a shiny game with a lot of potential and charisma.

The gameplay is the main advantage of this game: it's simple and efficient. The controls are very basic, but they're exactly what you need: 4 moving directions and an action key. The puzzles are very well implemented, none of them being too easy or complicated. You have only one level to play: yeah, that's the big adventure of life. The auto-saving mode works perfectly, and the achievements you can acquire can make a great plus.

The visual and sound effects are really unique.They're beautiful and creepy at the same time. Because of the lack of colours, Limbo looks different than other games; it makes you hold your breath and keep asking yourself: "What's next?". This way the game is really immersive, although is only 2D (so what?!).

The story is pretty ambiguous (some say that it doesn't even exists;well, that's not true). I think it's a good decision not to tell the people what really happened before and after...it makes the game so mysterious.

Unfortunately, there's one bad thing I have to mention: the game is too short! Now I can't be sure if it worth the money, but if you really like platformers, I will tell you: this is a "must have".