Dark-ish and short.. Still, enjoyable, but short.

User Rating: 8 | LIMBO PC
With nothing left to do as I had exceeded my Fifa quota for the day, I decided to play that game I had just downloaded... (I) Was expecting something outta my mind when first read the user Reviews, but with a step-back foot.

Started playing it and I thought "Right down intense, alright", then I started to get along with the game and time passed by fast, and before I knew it the game had finished.

...Going right down to business:

-The controls are simple as can be, and that's a plus.

-The story isn't a narrative kind, like we're used, it only presents you (the boy) and Limbo (the world), but the sounds effects are hypnotizing (suggestion: play it as loud as you can, it's f*ck*ng awesome), that's another plus.

-The game is very much of a dejá vu, or for those who are used to another expression, "been there" describes it best, but the dark feel of the game makes it fresh and if you're like me, a night person, you'll most likely enjoy playing it on a dark winter night. Still, due to the "been there" fact, that's a low.

- ... It's short, sadly.. another low.

-Really makes you stop to think about what you should do next, and if you're not careful, except a giant rolling stone (I had to say that) to drop right off on your head. But sometimes it just rushes you to make a decision. Split decision here.

-The game ends...and just leaves you without saying goodbye.

-Graphics are... Well, what you've seen from Images and Videos are pretty much what'll you get on your screen.

8.0/10 from me.
(Don't let my score fool you, it may be short and it might frustrate some different kind of gamers, it's still a experience that I recommend.)