This game is da-bomb. Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga doesn't dissapoint!

User Rating: 9.5 | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga WII
Alright well i've never played the lego star wars games except at a friends house and i have lego batman and lego indiana jones. Lego Batman was the best and Indiana jones was flat out boring.... Well this one can compete with lego batman very well and just cause its FUN!

I haven't beat the game yet but you can already write a review by what i've played. The graphics are good (little edgy at times) framerate doesn't slow down and its froze on me once but its the gameplay that counts.

You play through all the episodes of the star wars saga and beat up lego enemies. doesn't sound fun.. well its how they made it that counts it has a lot of funny scenes and puzzle solving is very good. You'll have anywhere between 2-6 players (6 i've only seen once) at your disposal per level you have to use all of the players abilities to get across them. there are different types of people that include jedi, blasters, robots, and etc.

Jedi's can use the lightsaber and you can shake the wii remote to swing it and they can also use the force to move things and kill enemies. Blasters use a blaster gun to beat up lego enemies and they can use a grappling hook to get up to places noone else can. Robots (can't remember the proper name but ex. R2D2) can help unlock doors and some can hover over places for a short ammount of time.

The game is very fun but at times too easy you progress by beating one level which unlocks another. My favorite levels are the ones where you can fly(race and just beat up people).

Graphics: 8.5/10

Gameplay: 9.5/10

Controls: 9/10(the waggling can get tiresome... you can always press B though)

difficulty: 7/10

overall: 9.5/10