Lego Star is a co-op lego game that is an insult to all star wars games. Leave it in a galaxy far far away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 4 | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga WII
Great another lego star wars just what we need i'm tired of playing it with my little brother. He thinks it's entertaining but really it is just junk. This game makes you come back to life every time you die. The main focus of the game is playing through the levels finding out you have beat them but not finished them. You apparently have to play them again to gather canisters. Gathering them all only gets you one unlockable meaning its still not worth it. You also need to gather money power bricks and gold bricks. Also the cutscenes have no audio.

Most characters have to be unlocked through repitive money gathering in levels. You will unlock some through doing levels just once but many require endless toil in the same levels. You also can buy stupid extras like invicibility making the game jsut plain repititive and easy.

Despite these bad points the game still has some humorous things and a 2 player arcade but thats all.