Almost but not quite describes it. Disappointig in some aspects

User Rating: 7 | LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars 3DS
Although the 3D aspect was great and at times, eyepopping, the gameplay doesn't live up to the graphics. You can play as a jedi swinging a sabre, a clone that shoots a gun and that's about it.

Each level seems pretty much the same with the exception of a break of flying a ship and destroying targets and enemies. gameplay pretty much the same from level to level as well. Either swing the light sabre, or shoot.

This was my first lego game, and it was cute and somewhat fun but I got bored about 1/4 of the way thru it. Dare I say the programmers were lazy and levels could have been much more varied. It looked like the same environment pretty much from level to level. Overall, a fair game. I expected alot more from the initial launch of 3ds though. Perhaps my expectations were a bit high.