My least favorite Kirby spin off title.

User Rating: 6.5 | Kirby's Star Stacker GB
Dear Kirby,

Please stick to what you know and do best...eating and stealing copy abilities. Sure, I'll admit that Pinball Land was kind of cool and Block Ball was actually just as good as some of your platformers but this is just getting ri-damn-diculous! You failed to hold my attention and retain the same charm that made you such a hit in the first place. I suppose every great person has that one "major flop" and due to imperfection, this is yours. With that said and due to the fact that can't stay mad at you, I forgive you. But don't EVER, EVER, do this to me again!

Your #1 fan,

Double_Wide ;-)

My Breakdown:

What's Good:

- Err, another game with Kirby and Friends?
- Can be fun for awhile if you like Tetris-like games
- Good pick-up-and-play

What's Not-So-Good:

- Only satisfies gamers who are into puzzles. Does nothing to pull in others.

What's Bad:

- Hardly uses combines any of the elements that make the Kirby series a hit
- Gets boring after awhile
- Not as fun as other games in the series

In all, it is fun to pick up and randomly start playing but doesn't provide the hours of fun that others (even the spin-off) do. It just seems like another cheap Tetris knock off with a Kirby theme this time!