Its like a not-so-good Fable...

User Rating: 4 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning PC
Repetitive combat, Boring quests , uninspired story-telling, and an uninteractive world make this rpg more of an action game than anything else. Its like a not-so-good Fable. The idea of the combat system is nice but executed very wrong. Very little to no functionality with the world makes it so you can not stray from the preset path you are meant to follow as the main character. To all those hack and slashers, you may like it but I prefer combat more like assassins creed or batman for fast-paced combat systems as there is a painfully obvious lack of anything tactical in the KoA combat system. This is more like a crazy button masher-you just click wildly until everything on the screen is dead, its kind of like street fighter 2 combat constantly hitting enemies higher and higher into the air. You can time your attacks if you want but it really makes no difference unless a certain skill calls for it, which there are a few but not many. All in all, its ok, nothing special, I think with games like skyrim, gothic, risen and two worlds 2 out there it really raises the standard for what an rpg should be these days. So on the scale of modern rpgs id score it a 4 but it being this studios first release id be inclined to think they are capable of creating some good rpgs.