Almost perfect fun for all action RPG fans.

User Rating: 9 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning PC
I can't understand the lack of fan boy love for this admittedly unoriginal but nevertheless polished and engrossing sword and sorcery hack fest. The critics' lack of enthusiasm I guess I can understand. Overexposure to thousands of games leaves them jaded. They never truly love anything that isn't 100 percent revolutionary and helps them forget how bored they are with their daily grind. Sure, Kingdom of Amalur does nothing perfectly, but . . . so what? I don't even particularly like the Fable-ish graphics and terrains, but . . . I don't care. I'm still having a blast. The story is actually pretty darn good for a change compared to most similiar RPGs. The skills leveling, weapons and magical elements are loads of fun to manipulate. The whole package is probably just what you're likely looking for if you're an Elder Scrolls and Gothic style game junkie like me looking for a fix. You're going to have fun for scores and scores of hours. So what's to carp about?