Deserves more recognition

User Rating: 8.5 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning PC
There was SO many things this game did right. I can name a few: auto saves frequently, respec skills cheaply any time, good combat and epic boss battles, tons of loot, a good pace and decent story. How many games have you gave up on a game after forgetting to save for a couple hours and dying that very rare death? Its happened to me a lot and in this game there's always a very close auto save to your current progress. I know that it might be weird that I think that's such a big deal, but I'm trying to make a point that this game really took all the grief out

For some cons, it did get a bit monotonous toward the last 1/3 of the game and I began to rush through dialogue and skipped side quests which can get extremely boring and unrewarding. Overall, however, Amalur is a hidden gem that didn't get the fanfare that it deserved. Also, google search for "Amalur Long Overdue quest" if you want to see an epic fail of a quest reward.