Once you get going, KOAR actually becomes quite an engrossing adventure.

User Rating: 9 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning X360
From GameSpot's review, I wasn't expecting a whole lot but I played the demo and decided to plunk down $60 for the real thing. I'm glad I did. Although I agree that some of the quests are rather generic and unengaging, I've already played it for over 50 hours and am maybe 1/3 of the way through and can't wait to continue seeing all its areas. Like all great games, KOAR just keeps getting better the more time you spend with it. I am currently level 24 (out of 40) and I'm not looking forward to hitting that 40-level cap. However, the graphics are very appealing -- each section has its own distinct feel -- and, like GameSpot's review states, there are indeed some very good-looking characters. But I think 7.5 is a gyp, considering the vastness of this game and it's ability to allow you to constantly change your gaming style without having to restart with a new character each time. Overall, KOAR is definitely worth the price!