Early Game of the Year front runner!

User Rating: 9.5 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning X360
This game is really really good, surprisingly so. I never thought I would be more into this game than I am Skryim and I love Skyrim but the fact that I haven't played Skyrim since I got KoA, that says something!

It's an action packed RPG with lots of looting, crafting, bad guys to kill and re-specing! The variety of weapons is great, the combat is extremely fluid and it's just a winner. The only thing is that if story is your main attraction to an RPG, it might not be for you because the main storyline isn't that interesting but the faction quests are very cool IMO.

Gamespot hated on this game with a 7.5, are you kidding? Curt Schilling must not have paid them off enough. The fact that MW3 got a higher review when that's the worst game of all time and ever made, that's proof that money talks and nothing else can walk when you are dealing with major review sites. But you shouldn't listen to company reviews anyways, gather feedback from the people actually gaming for enjoyment if that's how you want to make your decision.

I'm about 20 hours in and I'd imagine that I have about 80 more to go, it's huge!

One thing though, don't buy the DLC. It's a big time rip off, the stuff you can easily find throughout the world will be better than the DLC gear before you hit level 5.

The variety of weapons, the choose your own destiny ability trees are nice and this is just a great game, didn't see it coming either! Love it!