It's impossible not to enter on this game. Destroys Dinasty Warriors in almost every point.

User Rating: 9.5 | Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders XBOX
Let's do a review for another great game. In fact, one of my top games on the Xbox. I would give 9.0, but I remembered of the great story that it has, and decided on 9.5.

The game definitly has it flaws. In fact, It became hard to master this stupid camera. Why not to do a top one avaiable? Why I need to suffer to get my archers shoots on the right place?

But this, and some other stuff that get in your ways, are passed very quickly by very intense way this game play. Let's begin commenting about the music. When you play, there is some excelent songs, on heavy metal style, that really gets your mood on. Why fighting you feel very in charge of the situation, and the story is really great.

There are 4 campaings, and this seems to be very long. I was hoping to finish this before getting heroes, but this seems to be very long, so, never know.

The way you manage your troops are very fun too. You get some experiences points and cash, that you share beyond your troops the way you prefer. One of the best that I have seen. You can have a level 100 infantary and level 2 archery if you think this is the best option.

Well, don't know what else to say. Grab this, a must have, and Xbox exclusivity. This really make the dinasty warriors series became worst than it really is. In fact, I am not thinking about playing Dinasty Warrios again. I got this and Heroes to plays, will occupy my time.

Las things, the graphics are pretty notable. The lack of some kind of multiplayer don't take anything out, but make me wound how would it be if I was playing this with someone. And, thats it. 9.5 / 10