Great sequel to a great series. Any one who liked the original will like this. Others should rent it first.

User Rating: 8.4 | Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes XBOX
Ok I'll star with gameplay this game has a deep startagy system in it. Archers are worthless if firing into trees, sappers can set up traps and so on. Every unit is also weak against different attacks so theres that as well. The combat system for the hero is the main problem. For people who don't know the game has to "modes" to it. One has you moving units around the other is a combat when you hero is in melee. Ths melee part is the only real problem to the game since it gets repedative quickly. there are only a hand full of things the hero can do combos special moves and eventually it will get old. Other then that the gamplay is really quite deep and will have you trying to give orders to your archers, as well as three other things all at the same time and will take a while to get good at multi tasking all your units as well a learning how to do every thing well wich is why I think the learning curve is 1-2 hours. In story mode the time spent between misions has conversations building up the story and bases where you can use experiance and gold to upgrade the units you have, or to buy new units or change the unit you already have.The story mode is also very challenging at times so people who only play games on easy, use auto aim, or are only interested in the quick easy kill and the cheap little tricks may not want to persevere throught this game. There is also Xbox live but I haven't played it yet so I can't tell you what is going on in the realm of gameplay there. There is also a simple custom mission creater where you have to kill the enemy units you put in. There are no enemy officers or leaders you will have no aids, you can pick from the seven new heros or the four old one in this mode but will have to aids and can't buy equipment for your army either. Overall the gameplay is a mix of a deep strategy game and a simple action game that will be very enjoyable untill the either begins to be to much. The repedative element isn't that big a deal to me as all game get old eventually so I still gave a good score to gameplay. On to graphics. THey did a great job here. The models look really well detailed and I love all the effects especially seeing raindrops slide down the screen during a stormy battle. Every thing is really well done and I wish I played more games thta looked this good to me. Unfortunatly in the time it took to make this game there were no improvements in the graphics compared to the Crusades. This always bothers me when this happens so I couldn't give it the ten I wanted to give it. also the movies in this game look very life like and I can't help wishing there was something alittle beter looking at times when the characters talk and theres just a still peace of art work loking at you. Next the sound. This game has the same kind of rock soundtrack it had in the other game. As far as now none of the in game music is licensed to a popular band wich is good because I am not a fan of rock but I just couldn't see this game without this music so it was good to have it back. The only problem I have with the sound in this game is the voices. This may no seem bad to any new time players but all the voices from the crusades are gone. In the case of Walter's son this is great news. But Rupert especially is just not the same character I had in the other game it's like they added in a new character and tried to pass him off as Rupert. Even so I thought the voices where well done and preety good on the whole so It didn't hurt the sound rating too much. Value is tricky. There is definetly a lot to do in this game there are 50 story missions spread in seven campains spread throught the history of this world. These will take you a long time to beat. I've had this game since the 22 and have managed to put 15 hours in to it and I'm still struggling through the first 3 campaings. There is also a custem mission mode to enjoy wich allows you to creat simple kill them all missions to play on your own. People who played the original also have 4 new units to learn how to kill and use in the form of elemental creatures. There is also multiplayer wich I haven't played yet but is said to be fleshed out more then it was originally. On the other hand the game can get repedative so that hit my mark since who wants to play it if you are tired of the fighting system. I really enjoy this game. The stories told inthe campaigns are a really noce patch work of stories not told in the other game. Like the story of Walter and the Ancient heart, Who attacked the town at the begining of the Crusades, what is Ellens past like, how did she get in to Geralds unit. And more. I'll be playing throught the single player well into november with my squedual so I gave it a great tilt. So people who loved the Crusades will love this title and should pick it up. People who have never played it this it might not be for you. So I would sugest you rent it and if you enjoy it buy it and the crusades if you can find a copy.