Finally a game that original for the PSP and a must have.

User Rating: 9.2 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
Kingdom of Paradise is a game that seems more like it was made for a console than the PSP...... the scope of the game is so grand I find it hard to put down, I really cant believe this is on the PSP and Not the PS2.

The Story is the usually young man be made into the hero, but what's interesting here is the way the story unfolds. It start with Shinbu returning home only to find a girl being chased by some made men and sets on a tale of revenge... that takes Shinbu from a lone out cast to a Hero. I'm trying not to go into details too much because it a cool story that has to be played to fully be enjoyed.

The graphic are great character are detailed as well as the enviroments.... it's a great show piece for what the PSP can do. There are some minor problem with the camera since it's locked position (think Resident Evil), but like I said they are minor usually the camera is in a great position for all the action.

The Controls are easy to pick up and play the analog/d-pad is used for movement, X for sword throw, Triangle for using items, Circle for attack/hold to block, square for charging/using chi, Left shoulder for changing preset item and Right shoulder for changing preset attack combos for the most part this set-up works and keeps the action fast pace.

The Gameplay all takes place in real time you can attack with one of the many sword combos learned, use magic/chi attacks (there are 5 in total all have three levels), or throw your sword at enemies, if it impales then you can then use a chi attack for extra damage. There's also 5 types of sword styles to learn in the game from the different clan, by finding bugei scrolls and kenpu. Once you find a new scroll if you also have the matching kenpu you can create powerful combos to use. The game lets you have six preselected combos for use at any time, in addition to the main five clan styles there are two combined styles (rightous, ruthless),a custom style (you can use whatever kenpu you want in any order), and the San' yaun (a highly powerful sword style that the other styles are based from). You find bugei, and kenpu randomly from different enemies in the game.

This game has alot to offer not only is the story great but so is the action and character interaction. The cut scene are all done using ingame graphics and include some funny and interesting voice over. This is really a game to pick up by any PSP owner looking for something new and interesting...... A Must Buy!