good role playing game

User Rating: 8.3 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
There is a misconception that this game is a handheld “Jade Empire”. This is certainly not the case. “Kingdom Of Paradise” is an Action RPG more along the lines of “Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance”. Defining this as a RPG is going to really skew the results as you won’t be making any important decisions on your quest. Actually, you won’t be making any decisions at all except for which fighting technique to use in combat.

That being said “Kingdom of Paradise” performs as an Action RPG almost flawlessly. As you sprint around your linear missions you’ll be collecting tiles called Kenpu that you will use to fill scrolls called Bugei. The layman’s description is that a Bugei is a martial arts technique defined by a certain string of moves. Kenpu are the moves that you use in the string to create a Bugei. The simple allure of hunting down and collecting all the Kenpu to complete each and every Bugei is a wonderful feeling and you’ll find yourself hunting them like an addiction. The real treat is when you find certain Bugei that are blank templates allowing you to use whatever combination of Kenpu that you like effectively allowing you to create your own unique martial arts style.

Combat using a completed Bugei is as simple as tapping the ‘O’ button or unleashing a devastating magical Chi attack by hitting the ‘[]’. Unfortunately the simplicity of combat also means that you’re not going to be utilizing a whole lot of strategy in fights either. Most of the time you’ll be sprinting around the screen avoiding attacks while you charge your Chi meter so you can properly crush your opponent. That’s not to say that combat isn’t fun, though. The beauty of the combat animations and the ability to utilize so many different martial arts techniques always makes battle entertaining.