I Need the game save right after the azure dragon please i lost my save

User Rating: 7 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
im stuck at the first boss Eigen, theres no walkthroughs and im stuck here for so long. how do i get thrugh him, im saved at lvl 1 but and i cant train before i fight him. what should i do ?
this thing says im suppose to write 100 words so fgrdghrthr
ehgrh thrghry erthrhry rhr thrthrt hrth rth rhrt hrthrthr rthrthrrtgj ghjtyh rtjhrt hrthrt hrthrty ry jy tyjytj tyj tykty kty rey jrty jhrth rtyurtyhretjtyjery tyjtyj ry jty jtey jryujryjty jty jty jry jry jyrj yt jyt jeytj ytj yt jeyrjyej ytj ery jry jr ethry rth rth r hrt htrh rt hrt hrt hr hrt