Doesn't deliver from the second you pick it up, you don't know what you're doing

User Rating: 5 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
When this game was described as an RPG with lengthy sword combos, most people rejoiced to have this sort of game on a portable platform.
However from the moment you start playing this game you'll notice its many flaws. The first being the presentation. Annoying fonts and graphics that just aren't up to scratch will give a bad first impression.

Then you'll see how the combat can be done by hitting circle as fast as you can. This really makes the gameplay suffer. You'll be told about Chi, if you can find your destination which is completely unmarked, but the controls and pause menus are so confusing, I couldn't figure out how to use them

This game doesn't even feel like an RPG, it's more of a 3D side scroller, as oppose to third person action we were all hoping for.
The sound is ok, but the speech is annoyinbg as you can skip subtitles, but not speech - how random.

Poorly rendered polygons, bad presentation, confusing objectives and bizarre control schemes makes this a total disappointment