great real-time RPG, good bosses, stunningly beautiful attacks, and cool chi arts. A must play RPG.

User Rating: 8.9 | Tenchi no Mon PSP
To start off, this is one of the most fantastic looking games on a portable system I have seen to date, not only are the graphics beautiful, the cut scenes are great, and combat attacks are just magnificent.

Although the music is a bit dull and predictable, the battle sounds are sweet and the death cries are just plain cool, it's makes you feel sad when you kill women though.

The combat system is extremely easy to use, but boss battles are still complicated and hard. By putting Kenpu tiles (a short attack) into begui scrolls (a sequence holder for kenpu tiles) you create visually stunning combos that just tear apart groups of enemies. Although the Chi attacks are reasonably powerful, they are somewhat hard to refill during a boss battle and, if the effort is made to avoid continuous use of them, they do not become the only decent thing to use in the game. A small flaw is the lack of pinpointing locations on the map, as it can be quite hard to find locations.

The enemies are usual other samurai type men, from other clans, which is cool, since you get to see the moves you may be getting later on in the game.
Some of the giant creatures you fight are awesome looking, and the attacks they use are huge and fun to try and dodge.

The storyline is good, but is nothing special and is just there to help you along. The characters are very defined and you meet so many interesting people, however they are fairly predictable and most of the story can be guessed from the start.

After you beat the game (a feat taking around 15 hours) you may play it all over again but with all the chi arts and kenpu tiles you've obtained still on you. The second time around seems alot more dull, but it's addicting to try and find every kenpu tile.

Overall a fun game for the PSP, maybe not as immersive as many console games, but it looks great, has lots of sweet bosses and cool moves, and the storyline is solid. If you like real time RPGs, then definitely pick up Kingdom of Paradise.