Despite a strangely implemented camera and some pretty poor controls, Kingdom Hearts is a blast to play.

User Rating: 8.7 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
It's really saying something about a game when it can fundementally be flawed, yet still be a great gaming experience. Kingdom Hearts features pretty clumsy controls and a poor camera system, but still manages to be one of the most fun games in recent memory. You are Sora, who one night awakens in the middle of a storm which flips his world upside down. Your quest is to find your friends and to help various Disney characters out in Disney inspired worlds that are true to the movies. Everything you remember from your favorite DIsney movies is here. Combat is real time and clunky, but yet tends to be a lot of fun and very addictive. I cannot emphasize how surprised I am that I enjoyed a game this much which technically is full of shortcomings. Graphically, however, this game shines. It's a beautiful game with large varied worlds that are themed after Disney worlds and some Square inspired ones. Everything is detailed and alive and it really draws you into the game. As beautiful as the worlds are, the character models are the graphical highlight however. Sora is one of the most lovingly crafted and visually appealing main characters since Cloud from FFVII. You'll fall in love with the Disney models and the FF greats who have been included throughout. Anyone who loves RPG's needs to give this one a try, it's technically flawed from a gameplay standpoint, but a marvelously fun experience nonetheless.