this is a great game it is a perftect adventure game used to hate it caz it looked stuiped then i played it

User Rating: 10 | Kingdom Hearts PS2
this game rocks i used to laugh at ppl who played it and then one day i picked it up and started playing caz i was bored and to my amazment it rocked. in this game you run aroung and kill heartless that are invading. and sora the one chosen by the keyblade most stop them and lock all the key holes. this game has great battles. and is fun if your 5 yrs old or 50 yr old this is a great game. the weapons are great. the ultimate is anoying to get but dif worth it. there is lots of secrets to unlock. and the most powerful boss is almost imposable to beat which is my fav kinda bosses. if you dont have this game you have to get it.