Poor time wasting travel between screens I couldn't finish playing the game, such clicking

User Rating: 1.7 | Keepsake PC
Slow unnatural speech, annoying puzzles with NO story flow. Characters didn't even know what 'teleport' (the word) means, yet she has to save the school alone?!

time wasting travel between screens - it takes 5 clicks/screens to move from one room to the next~! Tiny areas to click to move on, frustrating red 'X' all the time.

stupid 'visions' as an excuse to throw you from right next to where you need to be next, to the far side of the map.

I couldn't finish playing the game, such clicking and everyone speeaakkksss llliiikkkee tthheeeyy'rrreeee rrrreeeeeeetttttttttaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrdddddddeeeeeeeddddddd!

Graphics aren't even that good