One of the best Apple II games ever. Crowning achievement of its time.

User Rating: 9.3 | Karateka APL2
Karateka is a crowning achievement of its time. The game is short, easy and repetitive. Basically one just controls the karate fighter and fights all the way until one reaches the princess and rescues her from the evil crutches of the villains.

Considering the limitation on the graphics offered at the time, Karateka has done very well, giving a very nice looking fighting game. The actions of the people are very realistic. There is no fancy move like jumping or fireballs, just fists and kicks. You cannot even switch sides with the opponent. But still it’s so good looking that you’ll get a lot of fun out of it. Try running as much as you can and fight as few people as possible, or make up your own crazy expert level by just using fists to beat all the goons.

In my humble opinion, Karateka is one of the best Apple II games ever released. It is only superseded by games we see much later built on much more powerful computers.