Just OK.

User Rating: 5.5 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men X360
I had heard many negative things about Kane and Lynch, and for the most part, it was well deserved. The cover system is very hit and miss. The graphics are underwhelming for an xbox 360 title. The story is ok, with you as Kane, being broken out of prison along with Lynch by a mysterious organization known as the 7. Starts off well, but then it gets into family issues. Nothing special, but good enough to get through the game. All of the characters have no real redeeming qualities, so you don't really care what happens to them.There are some memorable scenes, such as the nightclub and the Retomoto building. But some of the boss fights are extremely tough. Give the game a try, especially since it can be had for cheap. Would be a huge disappointment if I had bought this at full price back in 2007, but now, I don't feel so bad only spending $10.