I was not expecting Justice League Heroes to be this frick'n sweet!

User Rating: 9 | Justice League Heroes PSP
I decided to play this game purely because I was nostalgic for Superman, Batman, and the Flash. I figured it was going to be like all the X-men games and i was a little concerned by this but JLH proved to be better in my opinion. Unlike the X-men games, the leveling up was more effective, The super heros are better, and the story and the cut scenes were great. There are just enough super heros in this game so that you can have a chance at playing with all of them and still level them up to an effective level. You control one hero and accompanied by a fellow hero. The levels and the enemies are in great variety and number. the game controls are very functional and effective. The game play is very smooth and fast paced although the game did freeze on me once. JLH has great replay value because you can start a new game with your level up't characters and use different characters in different combinations and use new characters and outfits that you can purchase with "shields" you collect. This is a game that I will play over and over and over and.......