Highly original and fun game. Nothing like it. I like how there is no save option - it's an afternoon or evening game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Jurassic Park SNES
Highly original and fun game. Nothing like it. I like how there is no save option - it's an afternoon or evening game.

Somewhat limited playability, but still fun to run through a few times. Great story, diverse gameplay and a lot of fun. You go through the different islands of Jurassic Park, fighting off different types of dinosaurs with a small-medium variety of weapons trying to collect all the dinosaur eggs. You can occasionally get advice from the main characters in the movie.

Jurassic Park offers a choppy and sometimes difficultbut still to play first person view(inside the buildings only), which I believe was the first attempt on a SNES at the time.

Not many hidden secrets that I noticed, but I could be wrong. Decent overall gameplay\control\graphics and sound. Some catchy music.