Endless Acres of Farmland, Endless Glitches

User Rating: 5 | John Deere: North American Farmer PC
NOTE: This is a copy of review that I posted on GameFAQs on 08/19/06. Although the reviewer's tilt section may seem a little bit low, it is to curve the score to keep it the same as it is on GameFAQs.

For the people that live in large cities, discovering what farming really is about can be a difficult task. John Deere North American Farmer (PC) makes this task even harder. It's endless glitches make it almost impossible to play, since the game is constantly crashing; however, this game (like many others) has it's good points. Keep reading to find out what they are!

First off, the game does have a decent selection of farm scenerios to choose from. The scenerios each pose their own challenges (many of them financial) and they show some of the good sides of the bad (if that makes any sense). However, I must admit that the game really lacks the actual bad side of farming. Problems caused by weather are almost non-existant.

The game also has a lot of cool equipment to choose from. You can choose from about anything from a regular tractor (at what would be considered a good price) to a John Deere ATV for faster transport.

Speaking of transport: the characters in the game do seem to take forever to get from point to point. If they are on the other side of a large property, you're only chance is to get them something for faster transportation. Walking could take them a simulated month to complete. Time is obviously an issue with seasonal crops and the harvest time, so this is a feature that really could have used some more work.

The game has a fantastic variety in things that you can build and try to use to make money (or just buy for looks). There are barns of all types and for all different purposes. This game really gives detail to the livestock industry and makes the game more enjoyable.

Overall, the game gave ME quite a few hours of fun; however, I would not recommend it to the average person. As I stated before, the game has nearly endless glitches that would annoy most people. In fact, I don't play the game any more, since I kept getting so many glitches. Don't get me wrong: it's a great game in many aspects, but the bad breaks even with the good.