A surprisingly hilarious time in VR.

User Rating: 9 | Job Simulator PS4

In our quest for some good, fun VR games, my brother and I stumbled across this "Job Simulator" game. I don't tend to play these "simulator" types of games, but I thought that having a VR simulator game would be more fun. I wasn't expecting to absolutely adore everything about this game, but it honestly threw me for a huge loop: this game ended up becoming far and away one of my favorite VR games against all odds, which is no small feat for a pretty cheap game that might not look fantastic on the outside.

"Job Simulator" is a simple concept: you are in the year 2050 in a world dominated by robots, taking part in simulated jobs that humans once accomplished. It's simple, but it's executed phenomenally. The game controls very well in the VR, and the jobs themselves work thanks in no small part to the overall sense of exaggeration. In the game, you have the option to work a desk job, a chef job, a retail clerk job, or an auto repair job. All four of these jobs have their own unique flairs to them, and they take bizarre but colorful spins on those occupations, resulting in an experience that turns the mundane into something really fun. It's very accessible, and probably the perfect introduction game to VR for audiences of all ages. Visually, while the graphics aren't mind-blowing, I do think they fit the game well: the environments are crafted with solid attention to detail, fitting with the tone of parody and satire, and it's certainly plenty colorful. And while the game obviously isn't story-focused, it does build a bit of a universe and utilizes a lot of absurdist humor, which works. I enjoy some absurdist humor every once in a while and...what can I say other than that the game is hilarious? Bottom line, I cracked up throughout my time playing, not only for its bizarre settings and gameplay ideas but for the humor of the robots.

If anything is keeping this from being a truly essential experience, I just wish it was longer. While the game is fantastic while it lasts, it really doesn't last long. It's not difficult whatsoever to beat in a single sitting (it only lasts about 2-3 hours), and I can't help but feel like this game is just begging to be expanded on. There's not much of a reason to go back after beating each job once, and I think the game is more than deserving of some DLC with new sets of jobs.

Even so, while it lasts, "Job Simulator" is a really great time. This is the kind of game that utilizes its VR controls well, and also adds an extra kick of fun in just how off-the-wall and absurd it gets. It's the kind of game that's simple and accessible enough for young players, while also being hilarious and inventive enough for older gamers. It's definitely a strong introductory VR game, and I highly recommend it. As short as it is, I'm sure you’ll have a blast with it.

Final rating: 9 out of 10 "Awesome"