Jetfighter 4 is probably one of the best games to play if you are a novice "virtual" piliot.

User Rating: 7.5 | JetFighter IV: Fortress America PC
If you are a novice flight sim fan then this is the game for you. Although the graphics are not exactly world class they are good enoungh to be pleasing and intresting. One nice touch is the... well it is sort of a museum of objects in the jetfighter world, I forgot the exact name because the game stopped working years ago. But one thing I remember clearly is how much fun I had blasting away at the enemy fighters. And that brings me to the first bug in the game. Even if the missile lock on system says you cannot get a lock on the missile will track to the target and detonate. One small dissapointing factor is that you cannot even fly the enemy planes, let alone go into combat with them! Over all it is a good game for a novice, but those who only settle for the bestin terms of graphics quality and realism should let this one fly by.