Jet Force Gemini Is A Good Game That Has About 30 Hours Worth Of Gameplay And Every Minute Is Fun.

User Rating: 8.1 | Star Twins N64
Jet Force Gemini For N64.

You play the role as 3 heroic characters with Big, scary eyes in an epic space battle. The big, evil Mizar has sent his drones out to conquer the peace-filled tribals (with even bigger and scarier eyes) and its up to the Jet Force Gemini team to stop them! GAMEPLAY : The basic concept for JFG is great! You start off as Juno on one planet, and when you find other characters (such as Vela and Lupus), they'll split up fighting on other planets until they meet up at once place. Then you'll be able to travel anywhere, collecting, killing, protecting, and flying! There are many cool things about JFG, such as ways to kill ants, effective uses for weapons (unfortunately, you probably won't even use most of the weapons), and all out exploring! The Challenge is great too! The beginning is tough, but gradually gets easier... until you fight the end boss that is, which I should mention is worth getting to!

One problem people might have is saving Tribals. To reach the end, you have to save Every Tribal in the game. Lets say there's a level that takes 20 minutes to complete. There are 15 Tribals you must rescue in this level. If you die or quit (even if you save), one must re-do the entire level again. This is similar to the NES games that didn't have battery back-up in the old days. You need a good amount of time to complete a stage and move on. While not holding the R button, the analog moves your character, Z button Fires, the A & B buttons change weapons, C Up jumps, and C left & right strafe. Your character also auto-aims at ants for easy fire. While holding the R button, the C buttons moves your character, and the analog moves a non-auto-aim target around. Confusing, yes, but when you get to the end, you'll be surprised how much better you are than a newbie to Jet Force.

Another thing I should mention is jumping and moving. When you stop running, your character will "slow down" by taking another step or two. This doesn't seem like much at first, but things such as jumping on a crate or moving platform make the control tedious. The enemies are HUGE. The end boss is HUGE, and tough at first. The levels are HUGE. The game should take about 30 hours, give or take. The few secrets are rather useless (except for "Ants as Pants" mode. Brilliant!). Multiplayer is not that good, but can still be fun at times. And the disco part (Big Bug Fun Club) is hilarious! Gameplay consists of using Juno, Vela, and Lupus the dog to travel through the games many areas collecting new weapons, keys, weapon upgrades, secret totems, playing minigames, and saving tribals. Imagine playing Goldeneye in space, and changing the game to Turok in space when you hold down the R button. That's what you'll be doing in this game. GRAPHICS : Pretty, colorful graphics are what you'd expect from a Rare game. However, some areas look dark and colorless, which may or may not make the game look better, depending on the type of person you are. Overall the map design looks incredible, with real lighting affects and mirror floors! The characters, enemies and tribals however don't look very good. The framerate of the game is also kind of choppy (Very little). SOUND : Star Wars type music heats up the battle, with "Popping" and "wizzing" gunfire sound effects. Characters make happy little grunts and sounds similar to Banjo-Kazooie. And the disco music in one area is fantastic to the atmosphere. I'd also like to mention that you're in for a real treat if you have surround sound speakers!! Phew! This is another "must-play" game from Rare. It is worth buying, but be warned that once you find everything, you might not wanna play again. Renting it may not be a good idea, since the beginning is kind of dull (but if you have the spare time, definitely rent it).